Saturday, July 14, 2012

Easiest Pulled Chicken Ever

The slow cooker is one of my nearest and dearest friends - you throw some random stuff in it in the morning, and by the time you get home from work, you have a whole amazing dinner meal waiting for you to come devour it! This latest recipe - pulled chicken in the slow cooker - comes from Ashley, one of my other near and dear friends.

I was able to throw this together in 5 minutes before leaving for work. By the time I returned, the whole lobby of my apartment was filled with a beyond incredibly amazingly delicious scent. Thank you slow cooker!!

What you need:
  • 1 boneless chicken breast
  • 1 jar of salsa
  • 1 packet of taco seasoning
  • 1 clove of garlic, minced
  • 1/4 red onion, chopped
  • A pinch of pepper
What you do:
Throw all the ingredients in the slow cooker. Turn on low heat. I left it cooking for just over 8 hours, but I would assume it will taste just as good after 6 hours or so.

I cooked up some brown rice from a box to serve with the pulled chicken, but Ashley puts her pulled chicken in wraps alongside guacamole. I unfortunately had neither wraps nor guacamole on hand so I made do with what I did have - and it came out AMAZING. The taco seasoning gives it a great Mexican flair and the salsa makes it nice and juicy. Not to mention this recipe required the most minimal effort in the kitchen ever. Two thumbs up for this recipe!

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