Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Thai Coconut Green Curry Mussels

This new recipe comes from the August/September 2012 issue of Clean Eating Magazine. I know I have said this before - but you are seriously missing out if you're not getting any recipes from this magazine or their website (the magazine offers recipes that are not showcased on the website, but the website still has plenty of amazing meals). Clean Eating specializes in meals that are healthy and free of weird processed junk - and their meals don't break the bank either (a major plus for someone who is just starting to feel the wrath of that traitor Sallie Mae).

The final product

Clean Eating Mag's Thai Coconut Green Curry Mussels recipe was extraordinarily easy, and it is so rewarding to be able to make my own green curry paste using fresh ingredients. This paste called for a few easy to find items (most of which were already in my kitchen stock) - green onions, garlic, lemongrass, jalepeño pepper, cilantro, basil, ginger, lime juice, sunflower oil, and soy sauce. The mussels were cooked in the paste and coconut milk was added to the mix for added substance and flavor. 

Mussels cooking in the green curry paste

I served this mixture over brown rice with lime wedges on the side for added flavor. The meal was made complete with two slices of grilled artisan bread - great for dipping in the curry paste! For the actual recipe, please buy a copy of the August/September 2012 issue of Clean Eating Magazine. Or even better, subscribe to this fantastic magazine for one or two years at a time!

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